pram - (p)ull (r)equests made easy via git (am)!


    The pram utility assists Gentoo developers in merging contributions
    from the Gentoo Github repository in the Gentoo git repository.

    Let 123 a pull request filed against the official Gentoo Github
    repository. pram retrieves this PR from the Github CDN as a patch using
    the HTTP protocol. pram then adds the necessary headers to close one or
    more Gentoo bug reports but also the PR automatically. pram then opens
    up the patch with $EDITOR for you to review it. Eventually, if you deem
    the contribution good enough and accept it, pram merges it using the
    git am command. Git is an essential part of the backend of pram for
    merging patches.

    At Gentoo we are very opinionated. We are against merge commits. We
    think they add unnecessary clutter to the history of a git repository.
    We want to keep the history of the Portage tree as linear as possible.
    For this reason, we leverage the tools offered by Github to merge
    contributions as patches without compromising our standards.

    Originally, pram was written to ease the triaging of Gentoo Github PRs
    and make it more convenient. Yet, it can be used to merge PRs from
    virtually any Github repository. Give it a try!


    pram <pull request number>

     --repository|r <repository> Set repository to fetch PR from.
     --signoff|-s                Pass --signoff option to git am.
     --editor|e     <editor>     Set editor to visualise patch in.
     --closes|c     <bug number> Add "Closes:<bug number>" header to first commit.
     --bug|b        <bug number> Add "Bug:<bug number>" header to first commit.
     --help|h                    Display help.
     --man|m                     Display a man page.


     # GENTOO DEVELOPERS! Bear in mind that pram fetches pull requests from the
     # Gentoo Github repository by default. You don't need to specify it.

     # Fetch PR 123 and display it in emacs.
     $ pram --editor emacs 123

     # Fetch PR 456 and add a reference to the Gentoo bug report 101010.
     $ pram --bug 101010 456

     # Fetch PR 789 and close the Gentoo bug report 114499.
     $ pram --closes 114499 789

     # Fetch PR 994422 from the Github repository
     $ pram --repository foo/bar 994422


    version 0.200000


    This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Patrice Clement.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


    Patrice Clement <>

    Kent Fredric <>