[](https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai/blob/master/LICENSE) [](https://coveralls.io/r/sisimai/p5-sisimai) [](https://www.perl.org) [](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sisimai) > [!IMPORTANT] > **The default branch of this repository is [5-stable](https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai/tree/5-stable) > (Sisimai 5) since 2nd February 2024.** > If you want to clone the old version, see the [4-stable](https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai/tree/4-stable) > branch instead. We have moved away from using both the `main` and `master` branches in our development process. > [!CAUTION] > **Sisimai versions 4.25.14p11 and earlier contain a regular expression vulnerability > [ReDoS: CVE-2022-4891](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-4891). > If you are using one of these versions, please upgrade to v4.25.14p12 or later.** > [!WARNING] > Sisimai 5 requires Perl 5.26 or later. Check the version of Perl in your system before installing/upgrading > by `perl -v` command. - [**README-JA(日本語)**](README-JA.md) - [What is Sisimai](#what-is-sisimai) - [Key features](#key-features) - [Command line demo](#command-line-demo) - [Setting Up Sisimai](#setting-up-sisimai) - [System requirements](#system-requirements) - [Install](#install) - [From CPAN](#from-cpan) - [From GitHub](#from-github) - [Usage](#usage) - [Basic usage](#basic-usage) - [Convert to JSON](#convert-to-json) - [Callback feature](#callback-feature) - [One-Liner](#one-liner) - [Output example](#output-example) - [Sisimai Specification](#sisimai-specification) - [Differences between bounceHammer and Sisimai](#differences-between-bouncehammer-and-sisimai) - [Other specification of Sisimai](#other-specification-of-sisimai) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Bug report](#bug-report) - [Emails could not be parsed](#emails-could-not-be-parsed) - [Other Information](#other-information) - [Related sites](#related-sites) - [See also](#see-also) - [Author](#author) - [Copyright](#copyright) - [License](#license) What is Sisimai =============================================================================== Sisimai is a Perl module for analyzing RFC5322 bounce emails and generating structured data from parsed results. Sisimai is the system formerly known as bounceHammer 4. __Sisimai__ is a coined word: Sisi (the number 4 is pronounced __Si__ in Japanese) and MAI (acronym of __Mail Analyzing Interface__).  Key features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * __Convert Bounce Mails to Structured Data__ * Supported formats are Perl(Hash, Array) and JSON(String) * __Easy to Install, Use.__ * `cpan`, `cpanm`, or `cpm` * git clone & make * __High Precision of Analysis__ * 2 times higher than bounceHammer * Support 68 MTAs/MDAs/ESPs * Support Feedback Loop Message(ARF) * Can detect 29 error reasons * __Faster than bounceHammer 2.7.13p3__ * About 2.0 times faster Command line demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following screen shows a demonstration of Sisimai at the command line using Perl(p5-sisimai) and Ruby(rb-sisimai) version of Sisimai.  Setting Up Sisimai =============================================================================== System requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More details about system requirements are available at [Sisimai | Getting Started](https://libsisimai.org/en/start/) page. * [Perl 5.10.1 or later](http://www.perl.org/) * [__Class::Accessor::Lite__](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Accessor::Lite) * [__JSON__](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON) Install ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### From CPAN ```shell $ cpanm --sudo Sisimai --> Working on Sisimai Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/A/AK/AKXLIX/Sisimai-4.25.17.tar.gz ... OK ... 1 distribution installed $ perldoc -l Sisimai /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.30.0/Sisimai.pm ``` ### From GitHub ```shell $ cd /usr/local/src $ git clone https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai.git $ cd ./p5-sisimai $ make install-from-local --> Working on . Configuring Sisimai-4.25.17 ... OK 1 distribution installed ``` Usage =============================================================================== Basic usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Sisimai->make()` method provides feature for getting parsed data as Perl Hash reference from bounced email messages like following. Beginning with v4.25.6, new accessor `origin` which keeps the path to email file as a data source is available. ```perl #! /usr/bin/env perl use Sisimai; my $v = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/ # Beginning with v4.23.0, both make() and dump() method of Sisimai class can # read bounce messages from variable instead of a path to mailbox use IO::File; my $r = ''; my $f = IO::File->new('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/ { local $/ = undef; $r = <$f>; $f->close } my $v = Sisimai->make(\$r); # If you want to get bounce records which reason is "delivered", set "delivered" # option to make() method like the following: my $v = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox', 'delivered' => 1); if( defined $v ) { for my $e ( @$v ) { print ref $e; # Sisimai::Data print ref $e->recipient; # Sisimai::Address print ref $e->timestamp; # Sisimai::Time print $e->addresser->address; # shironeko@example.org # From print $e->recipient->address; # kijitora@example.jp # To print $e->recipient->host; # example.jp print $e->deliverystatus; # 5.1.1 print $e->replycode; # 550 print $e->reason; # userunknown print $e->origin; # /var/spool/bounce/new/1740074341.eml my $h = $e->damn(); # Convert to HASH reference my $j = $e->dump('json'); # Convert to JSON string print $e->dump('json'); # JSON formatted bounce data } } ``` Convert to JSON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Sisimai->dump()` method provides feature for getting parsed data as JSON string from bounced email messages like following. ```perl #! /usr/bin/env perl use Sisimai; # Get JSON string from parsed mailbox or Maildir/ my $j = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/ # dump() is added in v4.1.27 print $j; # parsed data as JSON # dump() method also accepts "delivered" option like the following code: my $j = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox', 'delivered' => 1); ``` Callback feature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning with Sisimai 4.19.0, `make()` and `dump()` methods of Sisimai accept a sub routine reference in `hook` argument for setting a callback method and getting the results generated by the method via `Sisimai::Data->catch` method. ```perl #! /usr/bin/env perl use Sisimai; my $callbackto = sub { my $emdata = shift; my $caught = { 'x-mailer' => '', 'queue-id' => '' }; if( $emdata->{'message'} =~ m/^X-Postfix-Queue-ID:\s*(.+)$/m ) { $caught->{'queue-id'} = $1; } $caught->{'x-mailer'} = $emdata->{'headers'}->{'x-mailer'} || ''; return $caught; }; my $data = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox', 'hook' => $callbackto); my $json = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox', 'hook' => $callbackto); print $data->[0]->catch->{'x-mailer'}; # Apple Mail (2.1283) ``` More information about the callback feature is available at [Sisimai | How To Parse - Callback](https://libsisimai.org/en/usage/#callback) Page. One-Liner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning with Sisimai 4.1.27, `dump()` method is available and you can get parsed data as JSON using the method. ```shell $ perl -MSisimai -lE 'print Sisimai->dump(shift)' /path/to/mbox ``` Output example -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ```json [{"smtpagent": "Sendmail","reason": "hasmoved","recipient": "kijitora@example.net","replycode": "","senderdomain": "example.co.jp","alias": "","timezoneoffset": "+0900","deliverystatus": "5.1.6","timestamp": 1397086485,"origin": "set-of-emails/maildir/bsd/lhost-sendmail-22.eml","catch": {"x-mailer": "","queue-id": "","sender": ""},"destination": "example.net","subject": "Nyaaaan","lhost": "localhost","rhost": "mx-s.neko.example.jp","listid": "","messageid": "0000000011111.fff0000000003@mx.example.co.jp","addresser": "shironeko@example.co.jp","action": "failed","diagnostictype": "SMTP","smtpcommand": "DATA","feedbacktype": "","token": "61b5ea94209460ac018c1a2060bdab0acce9ffed","softbounce": 0,"diagnosticcode": "450 busy - please try later 551 not our customer 503 need RCPT command [data]"}] ``` Sisimai Specification =============================================================================== Differences between bounceHammer and Sisimai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table show the differences between ver.2 (bounceHammer 2.7.13p3) and Sisimai. More information about differences are available at [Sisimai | Differences](https://libsisimai.org/en/diff/) page. | Features | bounceHammer | Sisimai | |------------------------------------------------|---------------|-------------| | System requirements(Perl) | 5.10 - 5.14 | 5.10 - 5.38 | | Command line tools | Available | N/A | | Modules for Commercial MTAs and MPSs | N/A | Included | | WebUI/API | Included | N/A | | Database schema for storing parsed bounce data | Available | N/A[1] | | Analytical precision ratio(2000 emails)[2] | 0.61 | 1.00 | | The speed of parsing email(1000 emails) | 4.24s | 1.35s[3] | | The number of detectable bounce reasons | 19 | 29 | | The number of MTA modules(parser engine) | 15 | 68 | | Parse 2 or more bounces in a single email | Only 1st rcpt | ALL | | Parse FeedBack Loop Message/ARF format mail | Unable | OK | | Classification based on recipient domain | Available | N/A | | Output format of parsed data | YAML,JSON,CSV | JSON only | | Easy to install | No | Yes | | Install using cpan, cpanm, or cpm command | N/A | OK | | Dependencies (Except core modules of Perl) | 24 modules | 2 modules | | LOC:Source lines of code | 18200 lines | 10800 lines | | The number of tests in t/, xt/ directory | 27365 tests | 270000 tests| | License | GPLv2 or Perl | 2 clause BSD| | Support Contract provided by Developer | End Of Sales | Available | 1. Implement yourself with using DBI or any O/R Mapper you like 2. See [./ANALYTICAL-PRECISION](https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai/blob/master/ANALYTICAL-PRECISION) 3. Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz x 2 cores | 5000 bogomips | 1GB RAM | Perl 5.24.1 Other specification of Sisimai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - [**Parser Engines**](https://libsisimai.org/en/engine/) - [**Bounce Reason List**](https://libsisimai.org/en/reason/) - [**Data Structure of Sisimai::Data**](https://libsisimai.org/en/data/) Contributing =============================================================================== Bug report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai/issues) to report any bugs. Emails could not be parsed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bounce mails which could not be parsed by Sisimai are saved in the repository [set-of-emails/to-be-debugged-because/sisimai-cannot-parse-yet](https://github.com/sisimai/set-of-emails/tree/master/to-be-debugged-because/sisimai-cannot-parse-yet). If you have found any bounce email cannot be parsed using Sisimai, please add the email into the directory and send Pull-Request to this repository. Other Information =============================================================================== Related sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * __@libsisimai__ | [Sisimai on Twitter (@libsisimai)](https://twitter.com/libsisimai) * __LIBSISIMAI.ORG__ | [SISIMAI | MAIL ANALYZING INTERFACE | DECODING BOUNCES, BETTER AND FASTER.](https://libsisimai.org/) * __Sisimai Blog__ | [blog.libsisimai.org](http://blog.libsisimai.org/) * __Facebook Page__ | [facebook.com/libsisimai](https://www.facebook.com/libsisimai/) * __GitHub__ | [github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai](https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai) * __CPAN__ | [Sisimai - Mail Analyzing Interface for bounce mails. - metacpan.org](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sisimai) * __CPAN Testers Reports__ | [CPAN Testers Reports: Reports for Sisimai](http://cpantesters.org/distro/S/Sisimai.html) * __Ruby version__ | [Ruby version of Sisimai](https://github.com/sisimai/rb-sisimai) * __Go version__ | [Go version of Sisimai 5](https://github.com/sisimai/go-sisimai) * __Fixtures__ | [set-of-emails - Sample emails for "make test"](https://github.com/sisimai/set-of-emails) * __bounceHammer.JP__ | [bounceHammer will be EOL on February 29, 2016](http://bouncehammer.jp/) See also ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [README-JA.md - README.md in Japanese(日本語)](https://github.com/sisimai/p5-sisimai/blob/master/README-JA.md) * [RFC3463 - Enhanced Mail System Status Codes](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3463) * [RFC3464 - An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3464) * [RFC3834 - Recommendations for Automatic Responses to Electronic Mail](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3834) * [RFC5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321) * [RFC5322 - Internet Message Format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322) Author =============================================================================== [@azumakuniyuki](https://twitter.com/azumakuniyuki) Copyright =============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2014-2025 azumakuniyuki, All Rights Reserved. License =============================================================================== This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.