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DracPerl::Client - API Client for Dell's management interface (iDRAC)


Jules Decol (@Apcros)


A client to interact with the iDRAC API on Dell Poweredge servers

        # Create the client
        my $drac_client = DracPerl::Client->new({
                        user            => "username",
                        password        => "password",
                        url             => "https://dracip",

        # Get what you're interested in
        # Login is done implicitly, you can save and resume sessions. See below
        my $parsed_xml = $drac_client->get("fans");


## WHY ?

This been created because I find the web interface of iDrac slow and far from being easy to use. 
I have the project of creating a full new iDrac front-end, but of course that project required an API Client. 
Because this is something that seem to be quite lacking in the PowerEdge community, I made a standalone repo/project for that :)


What's to come ? 

\- Better error handling

\- Integration with Log4Perl

\- Full list of supported Method 

\- Few method to abstract commons operations


## max\_retries

Login can be extremely capricious, Max retries avoid being too
annoyed by that. Defaulted to 5.


## openSession

Can be called explicitly or is called by default if get is called and no session is available
You can pass it a saved session in order to restore it. 

        $drac_client->openSession($saved_session) #Will restore a session
        $drac_client->openSession() #Will open a new one

## saveSession

This will return the current session. (Basically the token and the cookie jar).

## closeSession

Invalidate the current session

## isAlive

Check with a quick api call if your current session is still useable.