NAME Jifty::Plugin::Media - Provides upload file and select url for Jifty DESCRIPTION Jifty::Plugin::Media is a Jifty plugin to allow managing static files, upload create directory, delete and select url for any media file for your application. SYNOPSIS In your Model class schema description, add the following: column color1 => is Media; In your jifty config.yml under the framework section: Plugins: - Media: default_root: files "default_root" will be added to "Your_app_root/share/web/static/" path Your web process need to have write rights in this directory. In your Dispatcher manage allowed uploaders : use strict; use warnings; package TestApp::Dispatcher; use Jifty::Dispatcher -base; before '*' => run { Jifty->api->allow('Jifty::Plugin::Media::Action::ManageFile') if Jifty->web-current_user->is_supersuser; }; before '/media_*' => run { tangent '/access_denied' if ( ! Jifty->web-current_user->is_superuser ); }; 1; In your View you can access to a manager page '/media_manage_page' or a fragment '/media_manage' usable in a popout link: hyperlink (label => 'Manage files', onclick => { popout => '/media_manage' }); you can open a repository on load with "mediadir" argument hyperlink (label => 'Manage files', onclick => { popout => '/media_manage', args => { mediadir => '/images/'} }); or you can change default_root to a sub directory with "rootdir" argument hyperlink (label => 'Manage files', onclick => { popout => '/media_manage', args => { rootdir => '/images/'} }); init load config values, javascript and css read_dir file_info conv2ascii convert accent character to ascii clean_dir_name convert dir name in ascii clean_file_name convert file name in ascii AUTHOR Yves Agostini, <> LICENSE Copyright 2010, Yves Agostini. This program is free software and may be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Embeded "jqueryFileTree.js" is based on jQuery File Tree from Which is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License and the MIT License and is copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC.