#!/bin/sh [ $# != 2 ] && { echo "usage: make_mdkinst_stage2 " ; echo " example: misc/make_mdkinst_stage2 Mandrake/mdkinst Mandrake/base/mdkinst_stage2" exit } TMPDIR=${TMPDIR=/tmp} STAGE2TMP=$TMPDIR/stage2_tmp MKE2FS="/sbin/mke2fs -q -m 0 -F -s 1" MNTPOINT=$TMPDIR/stage2_img REP4PMS=/usr/bin/perl-install DEST=$1 STAGE2=$2 testandset() { [ -x $1/packdrake ] && BUILD_ARCHIVE=$1/packdrake; } testandset `pwd`/misc testandset `pwd`/. testandset /$DEST/../../misc testandset `pwd`/$DEST/../../misc [ -z "$BUILD_ARCHIVE" ] && { echo "can't find packdrake"; exit 1; } if [ $EUID != "0" ]; then SUDO="sudo" PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH" fi $SUDO rm -rf $STAGE2TMP install -d $STAGE2TMP $SUDO cp -a $DEST/* $STAGE2TMP || exit 1 #mkdir -p $MNTPOINT 2>/dev/null #for i in $MNTPOINT $STAGE2; do $SUDO umount $i 2>/dev/null ; done #dd if=/dev/zero of=$STAGE2 bs=1k count=24000 #$MKE2FS -N 1000 $STAGE2 #$SUDO mount -t ext2 $STAGE2 $MNTPOINT -o loop # hack to reduce the STAGE2 image (do not edit without modifying in DrakX) # be sure to keep the biggest server rm -f $STAGE2TMP/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_{VGA16,3DLabs,TGA,S3} rm -f `ls --sort=size $STAGE2TMP/lib/modules.cz-* | perl -ne 'print if $i++'` rm -f $STAGE2TMP/usr/bin/{pv*,vg*,lv*} $STAGE2TMP/lib/liblvm* rm -f $STAGE2TMP/usr/bin/{resize_reiserfs,fsck.jfs} #- we can't simply remove those files, because when pango will start, #- if it doesn't see them it will recompute the fonts.cache-1 :/ >$STAGE2TMP/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/12x13mdk.pcf.gz >$STAGE2TMP/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/18x18mdk.pcf.gz touch $STAGE2TMP/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/fonts.cache-1 rm -f $STAGE2TMP/usr/*/pango/*/modules/pango-{arabic,hangul,hebrew,indic,thai}-xft.so rm -rf $STAGE2TMP{/usr/bin/brltty,/etc/brltty,/lib/brltty} rm -rf $STAGE2TMP/usr/share/locale_special ( # only keeping UTF-8 cd $STAGE2TMP/usr/share/locale; mv UTF-8 .. rm -rf * mv ../UTF-8 . ) for i in /usr/share/keymaps /usr/share/xmodmap; do name=`basename $i` (cd $STAGE2TMP/$i ; ls * | $BUILD_ARCHIVE -b9s ../$name.cz2 400000) rm -rf $STAGE2TMP/$i done eval `find $STAGE2TMP | perl -MMDK::Common -lne '-l or $s += round_up(-s, 1024); $i++; END { print "size=",int($s/1024),";inodes=$i" }'`; mkdir -p $MNTPOINT 2>/dev/null for i in $MNTPOINT $STAGE2; do $SUDO umount $i 2>/dev/null ; done dd if=/dev/zero of=$STAGE2 bs=1k count=$[ $size + 1024 + 200 ] $MKE2FS -N $[$inodes + 200] $STAGE2 $SUDO mount -t ext2 $STAGE2 $MNTPOINT -o loop rmdir $MNTPOINT/lost+found $SUDO cp -a $STAGE2TMP/* $MNTPOINT || exit 1 $SUDO rm -rf $STAGE2TMP df $MNTPOINT df -i $MNTPOINT $SUDO umount $STAGE2 rmdir $MNTPOINT echo bzipping $STAGE2 bzip2 -v -f -9 $STAGE2