
kplayer - A media player based on MPlayer

Website: http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/
License: GPLv3+ and GFDL
Vendor: RPM Fusion
KPlayer is a KDE media player based on MPlayer, www.mplayerhq.hu.
With KPlayer you can easily play a wide variety of video and audio
files and streams using a rich and friendly interface compliant with
KDE standards.  Features include
- video, audio and subtitle playback from file, URL, DVD, VCD,
  audio CD, TV, DVB, etc., as well as KDE I/O Slaves;
- volume, contrast, brightness, hue and saturation controls;
- zooming, full screen and fixed aspect options;
- status and progress display and seeking;
- playlist;
- configuration dialog and file specific options;
- KPart for integration with Konqueror, KMLDonkey, etc.


kplayer-0.7.0-10.20081211cvs.fc20.src [4.6 MiB] Changelog by Rex Dieter (2014-01-11):
- respin desktop-fix.patch so kbuildsycoca4 is happy too
- docdir.patch
- .spec cleanup

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5