
vdr-burn - DVD writing plugin for VDR

Website: http://projects.vdr-developer.org/projects/plg-burn
License: GPL+ and GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
This plugin enables VDR to write compliant DVDs from VDR recordings
while being able to control the process and to watch progress from
inside VDRs on-screen-display.  If the selected recordings don't fit
the DVD, the video tracks are requantized (shrinked) automatically.
The created menus support multipage descriptions (in case the
recording summary exceeds one page).


vdr-burn-0.2.2-8.fc21.i686 [387 KiB] Changelog by Martin Gansser (2015-03-17):
- added vdr-burn-vdr2.1.2-compat.patch
- mark license files as %license where available

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