Letter M

mixxx - Mixxx is open source software for DJ'ing

Website: http://www.mixxx.org
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Mixxx is open source software for DJ'ing. You can use
AIFF/FLAC/M4A/MP3/OggVorbis/Opus/WAV/WavPack files, and
other formats as audio input. Playback can be controlled
through the GUI or with external controllers including
MIDI and HID devices.


mixxx-2.3.0-0.23.beta.20210509gite409a0e.fc32.armv7hl [9.3 MiB] Changelog by Uwe Klotz (2021-05-09):
- New upstream snapshot 2.3.0-beta
- Fixes an unnoticed regression: 2.3.0-0.22 used ~/local/share/Mixxx instead of ~/.mixxx
  for storing application data

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