Letter M

mac - Monkey's Audio Codec (MAC) utility

Website: http://supermmx.org/linux/mac/
License: Monkey's Audio Source Code License Agreement
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Monkey’s Audio is a fast and easy way to compress digital music. Unlike
traditional methods such as mp3, ogg, or lqt that permanently discard
quality to save space, Monkey’s Audio only makes perfect, bit-for-bit
copies of your music. That means it always sounds perfect  – exactly the
same as the original. Even though the sound is perfect, it still saves a
lot of space.

Permission to redistribute is granted by the AUTHOR to rpmfusion.org only.
See mac-permission_to_redistribute.txt


mac-4.11-1.u4b5.fc23.armv7hl [18 KiB] Changelog by Leigh Scott (2016-07-14):
- fix bz4123
- use monkeys-audio source from Debian multimedia

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-8.fc24