Letter U

unifi-lts - Ubiquiti UniFi controller LTS

Website: https://unifi-sdn.ubnt.com/
License: Proprietary
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Ubiquiti UniFi server is a centralized management system for UniFi suite of
devices. After the UniFi server is installed, the UniFi controller can be
accessed on any web browser. The UniFi controller allows the operator to
instantly provision thousands of UniFi devices, map out network topology,
quickly manage system traffic, and further provision individual UniFi devices.

This is the Long Term Support (LTS) package which also supports Gen 1 APs.


unifi-lts-5.6.40-1.fc29.i686 [36 KiB] Changelog by Richard Shaw (2018-09-21):
- Initial packaging of LTS version.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26