bazaar - A distributed revision control system


bazaar is an implementation of GNU Arch in C, based on tla, but designed
to be more intuitive and user-friendly.

GNU Arch is a revision control system with features that are ideal for
projects characterised by widely distributed development, concurrent
support of multiple releases, and substantial amounts of development
on branches.  It can be a replacement for CVS and corrects many
mis-features of that system.


License: GPLv2

Vendor: Fedora Project


bazaar-1.4.2-9.fc8.ppc [817 KiB] Changelog by Zoltan Kota (2007-08-25):
- Update license tag
- Add awk to BuildRequires
- Add patches to fix issues related to glibc open() changes
  and neon 0.27 API changes (Joe Orton)