exempi - Library for easy parsing of XMP metadata


Exempi provides a library for easy parsing of XMP metadata. It is a port of
Adobe XMP SDK to work on UNIX and to be build with GNU automake.
It includes XMPCore and XMPFiles.

Homepage: http://libopenraw.freedesktop.org/wiki/Exempi

License: BSD

Vendor: Fedora Project


exempi-1.99.4-2.fc8.ppc64 [320 KiB] Changelog by Deji Akingunola (2007-09-05):
- Rebuild for expat 2.0
exempi-1.99.4-2.fc8.ppc [305 KiB] Changelog by Deji Akingunola (2007-09-05):
- Rebuild for expat 2.0