// : xkbdesc/keycodes/inet,v $ // EAK (Easy Access, Internet, Multimedia, PDA) keyboards // Copyright (C) 2002, 2007 Stanislav Brabec , SuSE Linux // // Based on LinEAK project // LinEAK - Linux support for Easy Access and Internet Keyboards // Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Mark Smulders // # A4Tech KB-21 xkb_keycodes "a4techKB21" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 157; = 155; }; # A4 KBS-8. Contributed by ojo at force dot sk xkb_keycodes "a4techKBS8" { include "xfree86" include "inet(a4techKB21)" = 140; = 205; = 213; }; # A4Tech Wireless Desktop (RFKB-23) xkb_keycodes "a4_rfkb23" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 150; = 142; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 158; = 159; = 157; = 155; = 213; }; # Acer AirKey V xkb_keycodes "airkey" { include "xfree86" = 163; = 164; = 155; = 165; = 113; = 150; = 114; = 115; <> = ; = 166; = 116; = 205; }; # Acer Ferrari 4000 Keyboard # From Alex Dubov xkb_keycodes "acer_ferrari4k" { include "xfree86" = 113 // Fn+F8; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 114 // Fn+Down; = 115 // Fn+Up; = 150 // "Saturn" button; = 155 // "mail" button; // Missing keycodes - set-up with setkeycodes = 138; = 148; = 149; = 202; = 203; }; # Azona # Azona RF2300 wireless Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "azonaRF2300" { include "xfree86" // From Radics Laszlo = 150; = 166; = 115; = 164; = 140; = 163; = 165; = 114; = 113; = 133; = 205; = 217; = 156; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 137; // key { [ XF86Paste ] }; }; # ACPI Standard xkb_keycodes "acpi" { include "xfree86" = 116; = 205; = 143; }; # Advance # Advance Scorpius KI xkb_keycodes "scorpius" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 157; = 155; = 213; }; # Brother # Brother Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "brother" { include "xfree86" = 177; = 164; = 165; = 178; = 0x1a3; = 113; = 150; = 139; = 166; = 140; = 147; = 155; = 163; = 115; = 0x1a2; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 114; }; # BTC # BTC 5113RF Multimedia xkb_keycodes "btc5113rf" { include "xfree86" = 166; = 113; = 164; = 115; = 156; = 161; = 165; = 163; = 114; = 158; = 150; = 217; = 116; = 205; = 143; }; # BTC 5126T xkb_keycodes "btc5126t" { include "xfree86" = 150; = 205; = 155; }; # BTC 9000 xkb_keycodes "btc9000" { include "xfree86" = 166; = 113; = 164; = 115; = 156; = 213; = 165; = 163; = 114; = 173; = 155; = 172; = 217; = 116; = 205; = 143; }; # BTC 9000A xkb_keycodes "btc9000a" { include "xfree86" = 166; = 113; = 164; = 115; = 156; = 161; = 165; = 163; = 114; = 172; = 138; = 150; = 217; = 116; = 205; = 143; }; # BTC 9001AH xkb_keycodes "btc9001ah" { include "xfree86" = 150; = 166; = 115; = 164; = 163; = 165; = 114; = 113; = 116; = 155; = 161; }; # BTC 5090 xkb_keycodes "btc5090" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; <> = ; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 161; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 217; = 156; }; # BTC 9019U xkb_keycodes "btc9019u" { include "xfree86" = 172; = 156; = 217; = 155; = 114; = 115; = 113; = 165; = 164; = 166; = 163; = 161; = 142; }; # Cherry Blue Line # Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd xkb_keycodes "cherryblue" { include "xfree86" = 173; = 172; = 166; = 115; = 164; = 140; = 163; = 165; = 114; = 113; = 205; = 217; = 157; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; <> = ; = 0x162; }; # Cherry CyMotion Master XPress xkb_keycodes "cherryblueb" { include "xfree86" = 173; = 172; = 159; = 158; = 133; = 177; = 158; = 178; = 137; = 135; = 159; = 115; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 113; <> = ; = 114; = 115; = 219; = 205; = 217; = 157; = 168; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 213; = 161; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 0x162; }; # Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd (alternate option) xkb_keycodes "cherrybluea" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 205; = 217; = 157; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; <> = ; = 155; = 0x162; }; # Cherry CyBo@rd USB-Hub xkb_keycodes "cherrycyboard" { include "xfree86" = 217; = 172; = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 205; = 157; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; <> = ; = 213; }; # Chicony # Chicony Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "chicony" { include "xfree86" = 113; = 155; = 114; = 159; = 163; = 164; = 165; = 115; = 166; = 158; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 172; = 116; <> = ; <> = ; }; # Chicony KB-9885 xkb_keycodes "chicony9885" { include "xfree86" = 113; = 155; = 114; = 159; = 163; = 164; = 165; = 115; = 166; = 158; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 150; = 116; = 205; = 143; }; # Compaq # Compaq Easy Access Keyboard xkb_keycodes "compaqeak8" { include "xfree86" <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 217; = 0x1ab; = 155; = 172; = 150; }; # Compaq Internet Keyboard (7 keys) xkb_keycodes "compaqik7" { include "xfree86" <> = ; = 155; = 217; = 138; = 211; = 172; = 221; }; # Compaq Internet Keyboard (13 keys) xkb_keycodes "compaqik13" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 155; = 0x162; = 113; = 217; = 164; = 150; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 221; = 205; }; # Compaq Internet Keyboard (18 keys) xkb_keycodes "compaqik18" { include "xfree86" = 165; <> = ; = 161; = 163; = 155; = 0x162; = 113; = 217; = 164; = 150; = 166; = 211; <> = ; = 114; = 115; = 221; = 205; = 99; }; # Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Armada, Evo) Laptop Keyboard xkb_keycodes "armada" { include "xfree86" = 217; = 155; = 172; = 113; = 150; = 114; = 115; = 149 // Battery Monitor; = 205; = 213; <> = // Info Center; }; # Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Presario) Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "presario" { include "xfree86" = 165; <> = ; = 149; = 163; = 155; = 148; = 113; = 164; = 150; = 166; = 221; = 205; = 213; }; # Compaq iPaq Keyboard xkb_keycodes "ipaq" { include "xfree86" = 221; = 205; = 217; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 155; }; # Dell xkb_keycodes "dell" { include "xfree86" = 155; = 217; = 172; = 205; }; # Genius KB-19e NB xkb_keycodes "geniuskb19e" { include "xfree86" = 158; = 159; = 174; = 173; = 217; = 156; = 213; = 113; = 115; = 114; = 172; = 155; = 140; = 157; = 142; = 164; = 166; = 165; = 163; }; # Laptop/notebook Dell Inspiron 8xxx xkb_keycodes "inspiron" { include "xfree86" = 166; = 163; = 165; = 163; = 113; = 161; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 165; = 164; }; xkb_keycodes "latitude" { include "xfree86" = 113; = 114; = 115; }; # Dexxa # Dexxa Wireless Desktop Keyboard xkb_keycodes "dexxa" { include "xfree86" = 113; = 164; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 155; }; # Diamond # Diamond 9801 / 9802 series xkb_keycodes "diamond" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 157; = 155; = 0x162; }; # DTK # DTK2000 xkb_keycodes "dtk2000" { include "xfree86" // Describes the extra keys on a DTK2000 Internet keyboard. // From Radics Laszlo = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 116; = 142; = 143; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 157; = 155; = 213; }; # Ennyah # Ennyah DKB-1008 xkb_keycodes "ennyah_dkb1008" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 213; }; # Genius # Genius Comfy KB-16M / Genius MM Keyboard KWD-910 xkb_keycodes "genius" { include "xfree86" = 115; = 140; = 114; = 159; = 113; = 163; = 164; = 165; = 166; = 158; <> = ; = 155; = 161; = 150; = 205; = 143; }; xkb_keycodes "geniuscomfy" { include "xfree86" // Describes the extra keys on a Genius Comfy KB-12e // From Jurica Vukadin = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 142; = 159; = 158; = 157; = 155; = 213; }; # GeniusComfy21e xkb_keycodes "geniuscomfy2" { include "xfree86" // Describes the extra keys on a Genius Comfy KB-21e-Scroll // From Radics Laszlo include "inet(geniuscomfy)" = 165; = 0x1a5; = 0x1a7; = 163; = 113; = 28; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; }; # Gyration xkb_keycodes "gyration" { include "xfree86" = 173; = 150; = 166; = 115; = 164; = 163; = 165; = 114; = 113; = 217; = 156; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; }; # Hewlett-Packard # Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "hpi6" { include "xfree86" = 217; = 113; = 138; = 114; = 115; = 205; }; # Hewlett-Packard SK-2501 Multimedia Keyboard xkb_keycodes "hp2501" { include "xfree86" <> = ; = 217; = 155; = 113; <> = ; = 202; = 149; = 203; = 205; = 138; = 114; = 115; = 150; }; # Hewlett-Packard SK-2505 Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "hp2505" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 161; = 163; = 155; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 205; = 114; = 115; = 150; }; # Hewlett-Packard 5181 Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "hp5181" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 217; = 211; <> = ; = 213; = 161; = 163; = 221; = 148; = 113; = 166; = 164; = 138; = 219; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 99; = 205; = 155; }; # Hewlett-Packard 5185 Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "hp5185" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 0x162; = 211; <> = ; = 213; = 161; = 163; = 221; <> = ; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 138; = 219; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 99; = 205; = 217; = 155; }; # Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GC, GD, GE and Pavilion N5xxx xkb_keycodes "hpxe3gc" { include "xfree86" // Describes the OneTouch buttons on HP Omnibook XE3 GC and // HP Pavilion N52XX models. // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // these keys = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 138; = 148; = 150; = 155; }; # Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GF xkb_keycodes "hpxe3gf" { include "xfree86" // Describes the OneTouch buttons on HP Omnibook XE3 GF models. // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // these keys = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 155; = 138; = 148; }; # Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XT1000 xkb_keycodes "hpxt1000" { include "xfree86" // Describes the OneTouch buttons on HP Omnibook XT1000 models. // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // these keys = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 155; = 202; = 138; = 149; = 148; }; # Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZT11xx xkb_keycodes "hpzt11xx" { include "xfree86" // Describes the OneTouch buttons on HP Pavilion ZT11xx models. // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // these keys = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 155; = 202; = 138; = 149; = 148; }; # Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE4xxx and ZE4xxx xkb_keycodes "hpxe4xxx" { include "xfree86" // Describes the OneTouch buttons on HP Omnibook XE4xxx and ZE4xxx // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // models. // these keys = 113; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 155; = 138; = 149; = 148; }; # Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 500 FA xkb_keycodes "hp500fa" { include "xfree86" // Describes the OneTouch buttons on HP Omnibook 500 FA models. // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // these keys = 138; = 148; }; # Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 5xx xkb_keycodes "hp5xx" { include "xfree86" // Describes the OneTouch buttons on HP Omnibook 5xx models. // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // these keys = 165; = 163; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 138; = 148; }; # Honeywell # Honeywell Euroboard xkb_keycodes "honeywell_euroboard" { include "xfree86" // January 2002 // Scott Penrose // http://linux.dd.com.au/quest/linux/keyboard/honeywell/ <> = ; = 165; = 161; = 149; = 164; = 148; = 113; = 163; = 166; = 155; <> = ; = 140; = 114; = 115; = 150; }; # IBM # IBM Rapid Access xkb_keycodes "rapidaccess" { include "xfree86" = 113; = 149; = 114; = 115; = 163; = 201; = 164; = 165; = 166; = 205; = 138; = 203; = 202; = 148; }; # IBM Rapid Access II xkb_keycodes "rapidaccess2" { include "xfree86" = 163; = 156; = 113; = 166; = 114; = 164; = 115; = 165; = 172; = 221; = 217; = 157; = 211; = 205; }; # IBM Rapid Access II (alternate option) xkb_keycodes "rapidaccess2a" { include "xfree86" = 163; = 156; = 113; = 166; = 114; = 164; = 115; = 165; = 150; = 221; = 138; = 0x165; = 211; = 205; = 139; }; # Logitech # Logitech common definitions xkb_keycodes "logitech_base" { include "xfree86" = 213; = 150; = 165; <> = ; <> = ; = 163; = 113; = 211; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 181; = 232; = 157; = 235; <> = ; <> = ; = 205; = 217; = 156; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 213; }; # Logitech second set of common keys xkb_keycodes "logitech_set3" { include "xfree86" = 166; = 115; = 164; = 163; = 165; = 114; = 113; = 181 // F1; = 232 // F2; = 231 // F4; = 99 // F7; = 234 // F8; = 235 // F10; = 0x162; = 213; }; # -------------------------------------------------------- # Logitech Cordless Desktop xkb_keycodes "ltcd" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" include "inet(logitech_set3)" }; # Logitech Access Keyboard xkb_keycodes "logiaccess" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" = 233; = 231; = 0x1ae; = 212; = 217; }; # Logitech Cordless Desktop iTouch xkb_keycodes "logicdit" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" }; # Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro xkb_keycodes "logicdp" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" }; # Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro (alternate option) xkb_keycodes "logicdpa" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" include "inet(logitech_set3)" }; # Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard xkb_keycodes "logicink" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" = 221; = 211; = 219; <> = ; }; # Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard xkb_keycodes "logiciink" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logicinc)" }; # Logitech Cordless Desktop LX-300 xkb_keycodes "logiclx300" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" = 140; }; # Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE xkb_keycodes "logiinkse" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" = 233 // F3; = 231 // F4; = 131 // F5; = 129 // F6; = 99 // F7; = 0x1ae; = 212; = 211; = 221; = 234 // F8; }; # Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE (USB) xkb_keycodes "logiinkseusb" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" include "inet(logitech_set3)" }; # Logitech iTouch Cordless Keyboard (model Y-RB6) xkb_keycodes "logiitc" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" = 115; // Just to override RaiseVolume from logitech_base, // since no keysym can have two keycodes, see // https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7095 = 148; }; # Logitech Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "logiik" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" = 136; = 99; = 156; = 173; = 217; <> = ; = 159; = 172; = 174; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 150; }; # Logitech iTouch xkb_keycodes "itouch" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" = 113; = 114; = 115; }; xkb_keycodes "logiultrax" { include "xfree86" include "inet(logitech_base)" }; xkb_keycodes "dinovo" { include "xfree86" = 172; = 165; = 205; = 217; = 163; = 115; = 164; = 166; <> = ; = 155; = 114; = 113; = 213; }; # Memorex # Memorex MX1998 xkb_keycodes "mx1998" { include "xfree86" = 178; = 165; = 168; = 206; = 147; = 163; = 167; = 113; = 235; = 164; <> = ; = 166; = 140; = 139; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 143; = 116; = 205; = 151; <> = ; = 177; }; # Memorex MX2500 EZ-Access Keyboard xkb_keycodes "mx2500" { include "xfree86" = 165; <> = ; = 169; = 151; = 206; = 147; = 163; = 161; = 235; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 0x1ab; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 155; = 154; = 125; = 139; = 126; }; # Memorex MX2750 xkb_keycodes "mx2750" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; <> = ; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 217; = 156; = 159; = 158; = 155; }; # Microsoft # Microsoft Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "microsoftinet" { include "xfree86" = 140; = 150; = 205; = 217; = 156; = 166; = 159; = 158; = 157; = 155; }; # Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro xkb_keycodes "microsoftpro" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 205; = 217; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 157; = 155; = 213; // Internet Section -- Left Side // Multimedia Section -- Right Side // My Computer Section -- Far Right }; # Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro USB xkb_keycodes "microsoftprousb" { include "xfree86" = 173; = 213; = 172; = 166; = 115; = 164; = 140; = 163; = 165; = 114; = 113; = 205; = 217; = 156; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; // Internet Section -- Left Side // Multimedia Section -- Right Side // My Computer Section -- Far Right // My computer maps to printscreen, so leaving commented out for now // key { [ XF86MyComputer ] }; }; # Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro OEM xkb_keycodes "microsoftprooem" { include "xfree86" = 217; = 213; = 172; = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 205; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 157; // Internet Section -- Left Side // Multimedia Section -- Right Side // My Computer Section -- Far Right }; # Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro, Swedish xkb_keycodes "microsoftprose" { include "xfree86" = 173; = 172; = 166; = 115; = 164; = 140; = 163; = 165; = 114; = 113; = 205; = 217; = 156; = 166; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 157; = 213; }; # Microsoft Office Keyboard xkb_keycodes "microsoftoffice" { include "xfree86" = 0x18d; = 131; = 150; = 114; = 140; = 115; = 113; = 137; = 0x1a5; = 0x1a7; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 172; = 181; = 134; = 206; = 205; = 138; = 234; = 99; = 159; = 158; = 155; <> = ; = 129; = 232; = 233; = 231; = 133; // ERROR in keymap: XNAME=XF86ApplicationRight: Cannot assign keycodes_xfree86=MOAR to scancode! = 133; = 135; }; # Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard 1.0A xkb_keycodes "microsoftmult" { include "xfree86" = 0x1ae; = 181; = 134; = 206; = 232; = 129; = 131; = 165; <> = ; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; <> = ; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 138; <> = ; = 159; = 231; = 234; = 99; = 142; <> = ; = 155; = 213; // ERROR in keymap: XNAME=XF86Documents: Cannot assign keycodes_xfree86=I80 to scancode! = 213; // Control Section -- Far Right // F-Locked Function keys // Internet Section -- Right Side // Multimedia Section -- Centre // My Computer Section -- Left Side }; # Oretec # Oretec MCK-800 MM/Internet keyboard xkb_keycodes "oretec" { include "xfree86" = 177; = 164; = 165; = 178; = 0x1a3; = 113; = 150; = 139; = 166; = 140; = 147; = 155; = 163; = 115; = 0x1a2; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 114; }; # Propeller # Propeller Voyager (KTEZ-1000) xkb_keycodes "propeller" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 168; = 206; = 147; = 163; = 167; = 113; = 235; = 164; <> = ; = 166; = 140; = 139; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 151; = 205; }; # QTronix # QTronix Scorpius 98N+ xkb_keycodes "qtronix" { include "xfree86" = 178; = 159; = 143; = 217; = 205; = 177; = 158; = 173; = 115; = 165; = 164; = 163; = 166; = 172; = 113; = 114; = 167; = 116; = 174; = 140; }; # Samsung # Samsung SDM 4500P xkb_keycodes "samsung4500" { include "xfree86" = 203; = 148; = 202; <> = ; = 206; <> = ; = 165; = 161; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 138; = 114; = 115; = 150; <> = ; = 205; = 155; = 149; }; # Samsung SDM 4510P xkb_keycodes "samsung4510" { include "xfree86" = 148; = 202; = 165; = 161; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 205; = 149; }; # SK # SK-1300 xkb_keycodes "sk1300" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 161; = 163; = 159; = 150; = 164; = 166; = 205; = 158; = 114; = 115; = 174; }; # SK-2500 xkb_keycodes "sk2500" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 168; = 206; = 161; = 161; = 163; = 159; = 167; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 147; = 166; = 116; = 139; = 114; = 115; = 150; <> = ; }; # SK-6200 xkb_keycodes "sk6200" { include "xfree86" = 156; = 114; = 115; = 158; = 159; = 150; = 113; = 163; = 164; = 165; = 166; = 155; = 116; = 205; }; # SK-7100 xkb_keycodes "sk7100" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 201; = 206; = 0x189; = 163; = 161; = 113; = 200; = 166; = 0x17f; <> = ; = 114; = 115; = 150; }; # Sven # SVEN Ergonomic 2500 xkb_keycodes "sven" { include "xfree86" = 164; = 159; = 115; = 0x1a3; = 165; = 166; = 172; = 155; = 0x1a2; = 157; = 174; <> = ; = 114; = 113; = 140; = 173; = 217; = 156; = 177; = 178; = 116; = 205; = 163; = 143; = 158; }; # Symplon # Symplon PaceBook (tablet PC) xkb_keycodes "symplon" { include "xfree86" <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 181; <> = ; <> = ; <> = ; = 150; = 205; <> = ; = 155; <> = ; <> = ; }; # Toshiba # Toshiba Satellite S3000 xkb_keycodes "toshiba_s3000" { include "xfree86" // Describes the Special buttons on Toshiba Satellite 3000 models. // See http://sourceforge.net/projects/omke for details on enabling // these keys = 148; = 165; = 149; = 163; = 164; = 166; = 150; = 155; = 115; = 114; }; # Trust # Trust Wireless Keyboard Classic xkb_keycodes "trust" { include "xfree86" = 165; <> = ; = 163; = 161; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 205; = 143; = 159; = 158; = 155; }; # Trust Direct Access Keyboard xkb_keycodes "trustda" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 168; = 206; = 161; = 163; = 167; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 147; = 166; = 205; = 138; = 114; = 115; = 150; <> = ; }; # YaHoo! # Yahoo! Internet Keyboard xkb_keycodes "yahoo" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 164; = 166; = 163; = 167; = 114; = 115; = 113; = 206; = 140; = 138; = 155; = 150; = 116; = 205; = 143; }; # Super Power Internet Keyboard # Super Power Multimedia Keyboard xkb_keycodes "sp_inet" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 172; = 116; = 205; = 143; = 156; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; }; # Acer C300 Laptop xkb_keycodes "acer_c300" { include "xfree86" = 183; = 184; = 115; = 114; = 113; = 150; = 155; = 138; = 148; = 149; }; # Acer Travelmate 800 xkb_keycodes "acer_tm_800" { include "xfree86" = 113; = 114; = 115; = 150; = 155; // There are other buttons (P1, P2, Fn-F2, Fn-F3 - but they // don't generate scancodes. It is possible to map them to whatever user wants. }; # Apple keyboards (macbooks, powerbooks, powermac G5, etc) xkb_keycodes "apple" { include "xfree86" // Really brightness up/down <> = ; <> = ; = 113; = 114; = 115; = 154; // Really keyboard backlight off/up/down <> = ; = 148; = 149; = 117; = 183; = 184; = 185; = 161; = 186; }; xkb_keycodes "cymotionlinux" { include "xfree86" <> = ; = 174; = 217; = 150; = 131; = 129; = 178; = 165; = 149; = 163; = 148; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; <> = ; = 202; = 114; = 115; = 137; = 205; = 173; = 116; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 133; = 135; = 161; = 177; = 213; }; xkb_keycodes "silvercrest" { include "xfree86" = 172; = 165; = 163; = 113; = 149; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; = 205; = 156; = 0x162; = 158; = 155; = 213; = 148; }; # eMachines xkb_keycodes "emachines" { include "xfree86" = 165; = 163; = 113; = 164; = 166; = 114; = 115; <> = ; = 142; = 217; = 155; = 213; = 82; = 79; = 80; = 81; = 75; = 76; = 77; = 71; = 72; = 73; = 78; = 83; = 98; = 55; = 74; }; # # Dell USB Multimedia Keybard # xkb_keycodes "dellusbmm" { include "xfree86" = 172; = 165; = 163; = 113; = 140; = 164; = 166; = 173; = 174; = 159; = 158; = 155; = 157; = 213; };