+ RESOURCE_LEAK (sw/wrtww8) (cid#1464967) [Julien Nabet] + RESOURCE_LEAK (sc/excel) (cid#1464973) [Julien Nabet, Caolán McNamara] + null pointer dereferences (sw/unosett) (cid#1464974) [Julien Nabet] + RESOURCE_LEAK (sd/sdpptwrp) (cid#1464975) [Caolán McNamara, Julien Nabet] + Empty input fields completely invisible (tdf#101830) [Serge Krot] + FILTER : Calc Macro hangs when CopyOutputData = True (tdf#104865) [Luboš Luňák] + New icon for infobar type success needed (tdf#106229) [Rizal Muttaqin] + FILEOPEN: DOCX - Drop down list form field doesn't have correct font when at the beginning of a line (tdf#108505) [Gabor Kelemen] + RTF paste not working when attempting to paste under an embedded table (tdf#119081) [Miklos Vajna] + FILEOPEN: Numbers appear in numbered list MSO created in attached DOC without visible number format (tdf#120394) [Vasily Melenchuk] + Png image is black when OpenGL enabled (tdf#121120) [Luboš Luňák] + Crash of Writer opening any document with "invalid" python file in home directory (linux) (tdf#121384) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN DOCX Textbox of Column chart legend reduces and text of legend disappears (tdf#122225) [Tünde Tóth] + Help in Database->Advanced Settings dialog does not open relevant help page (tdf#124010) [Olivier Hallot] + FILEOPEN DOCX Space between paragraphs of the same style is altered (different contextual spacing setting) (tdf#125893) [László Németh] + Icon for Indent and Promote needs differentiation (tdf#126122) [Rizal Muttaqin] + EDITING Custom size chart legend does not ellipsize contents (tdf#126425) [Tünde Tóth] + Inverted emoticons sets for the conditional formatting (tdf#126733) [Julien Nabet] + Breeze dark system theme should enable Breeze dark icons (tdf#127138) [Igor Poboiko] + TRACK CHANGES: Replacement problem - spaces separated from other characters when replacing a single word by several words (tdf#127635) [Michael Stahl] + Macro warning dialog is prompted on every function or sub call (see comment 4) (tdf#128006) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN: DOCX: Incorrect spacing when paragraph is divided by a line (tdf#128197) [Vasily Melenchuk] + Request to Localize More Formatting Icons into Korean UI (tdf#128689) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Bookmarks point to incorrect pages in exported PDF if document contains a hidden section (tdf#130151) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + FILEOPEN DOCX Hanging indent in table is not ignored if it would hide the paragraph (tdf#130218) [László Németh] + Writer crash while going Tools>Redaction, if Draw not installed (tdf#130436) [Muhammet Kara] + GTK3: AutoFilter float dialog falls outside of visible window area which makes OK/Cancel button not usable (tdf#130449) [Caolán McNamara] + UI Hide legend entry option for pie chart (tdf#130777) [Gabor Kelemen] + WRITER EDITING: Frame goes out of the shape after moving (tdf#130802) [Attila Bakos] + WRITER EDITING: Frame goes out of the shape when added to the shape (tdf#130805) [Attila Bakos] + Toolbar arrows too large on 200% scaling (tdf#130991) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] + Core build fails with poppler >= 0.86.0 (tdf#131353) [Martin Whitaker] + [LOCALHELP] Add BASIC syntax diagrams to Help (tdf#131416) [Alain Romedenne] + FILEOPEN XLSX Table reference broken if named table header contains comma (tdf#131424) [Eike Rathke] + [LOCALHELP] 3D effect update button irrelevant (tdf#131825) [Olivier Hallot] + Exchanged mousewheel scroll behaviour of Customization dialog in RTL (Arabic) UI (kf5) (tdf#131991) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] + Copying a large dataset by drag a a corner slow (tdf#132165) [Luboš Luňák] + Page size in Writer doesn't show up anymore (tdf#132172) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] + CRASH: undoing paste of frames (tdf#132326) [Michael Stahl] + Wrong calculation after copy/paste of a formula (tdf#132451) [Luboš Luňák] + Lots of time spend in SfxBroadcaster after Undo of a deleted sheet (tdf#132454) [Luboš Luňák, Noel Grandin] + Help file should be updated to describe new drop down from "sigma" button in Calc Formula bar (tdf#132464) [Olivier Hallot] + UI Option to set Axis position property of charts (tdf#132757) [Gabor Kelemen] + Lost New Gallery Stuff in 7.0 (tdf#132904) [Heiko Tietze] + Table is multiplying with dummy's after undo (tdf#132944) [Michael Stahl] + FILEOPEN DOCX Text box horizontal size grows with relative width to left margin (tdf#132976) [Szabolcs Toth] + SVG in presentation mode not as crispy in Skia raster/vulkan compared to GDI (tdf#133016) [Luboš Luňák] + Help file does not describe Create MSO lock file option (tdf#133116) [Olivier Hallot] + Crash after redo (steps in comment 5) (tdf#133326) [Noel Grandin] + Add double angle quote («, ») autocorrection, where "Single/Double quotes AutoCorrect" locale settings don't support it (tdf#133524) [László Németh] + Need An Icon for the New Show Whitespace Command (tdf#133538) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Tools > Options has no check boxes (tdf#133582) [Rizal Muttaqin] + add transliteration support for Old Hungarian (tdf#133589) [Mike Kaganski] + FORMATTING: Calc crashes on setting borders to all cells on more than one sheet simultaneously (tdf#133629) [Noel Grandin] + Links and/or headings need a redesign (tdf#133640) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] + French translation missing in 'help' menu and in 'about LibreOfficeDev' window (tdf#133662) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] + FILEOPEN DOCX Text box horizontal size grows with relative width to right margin (tdf#133670) [Szabolcs Toth] + Add margin to formula bar (tdf#133692) [Thorsten Wagner] + Slow sorting of a column (tdf#133699) [Noel Grandin] + FILESAVE DOCX Frame distance from text setting lost (tdf#133701) [Tibor Nagy] + "Base point" image in "Position and Size" dialog is missing (tdf#133753) [Rizal Muttaqin] + Gallery theme names no longer localized in 7.0 (tdf#133788) [Heiko Tietze] + Closing Find All results doesn't focus Find & Replace dialog (tdf#133807) [Caolán McNamara] + opening spreadsheet with large array formula takes 10 mins (tdf#133858) [Noel Grandin] + Wizard service initially enables "Next"-button even if there are no more items in the path (tdf#133859) [Ilhan Yesil] + Passing a constant to a Basic function changes variant parameter type to integer (tdf#133913) [Andreas Heinisch] + FILESAVE DOCX Frame Wrap around property saved incorrectly (tdf#133924) [Tibor Nagy] + CRASH: Undoing deletion of selection (tdf#133981) [Michael Stahl] + CRASH: copying content in nested table (tdf#133982) [Michael Stahl] + CRASH: Undoing table deletion (tdf#133990) [Michael Stahl] + Multiple delete frame style undo actions after paste (tdf#134009) [Michael Stahl] + Crash swlo!SwFrame::CheckPageDescs+0x12d6: (tdf#134021) [Michael Stahl] + Select the table by dragging over the columns become harder (tdf#134023) [Justin Luth] + EDITING Pie chart data label cannot be moved if outside chart with Best fit (tdf#134029) [Balazs Varga] + Formula cell used in macro with function EOMONTH() or FIN:MOIS() giving #NAME? (tdf#134032) [Olivier Hallot] + Separate date format in Writer and Calc for Hungarian (tdf#134035) [László Németh] + EDITING Pie chart area resizes when data label is moved (tdf#134039) [Balazs Varga] + DOCX import: use DropDown text field instead of ComboBox form control (tdf#134043) [Serge Krot] + FILEOPEN PPTX: dotted line shows as solid (tdf#134053) [Regina Henschel] + High UI scaling reveal triangles / arrows are too large (tdf#134054) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] + FILEOPEN DOCX Tabs at the beginning of line no longer appear (tdf#134063) [Vasily Melenchuk] + Double underline under Font color and Highlight color (tdf#134084) [Caolán McNamara] + BigPtrArray::Index2Block undo crash (tdf#134099) [Miklos Vajna] + Binary URP bridge disposed during call to ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext (tdf#134106) [Stephan Bergmann] + Skia: Image is blurry in edit mode, if 'Force Skia software rendering' is off (tdf#134129) [Luboš Luňák] + Soft edge does not work together with shadow in slideshow (tdf#134134) [Mike Kaganski] + Skia: a shadow on a specific object is broken (tdf#134152) [Luboš Luňák] + Dragging image around slow (Skia Raster; SkColorFilters::Blend) (tdf#134160) [Luboš Luňák] + No SDBC driver was found for sdbc:embedded:hsqldb (tdf#134167) [Stephan Bergmann] + FILEOPEN: SUMPRODUCT formulas are broken (tdf#134234) [Noel Grandin] + FILEOPEN DOCX Long chart title flows out of chart area (tdf#134235) [Tünde Tóth] + Hang launching mailmerge wizard with a specific file (tdf#134243) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN DOCX Stacked charts with resized legend show legend entries reversed (tdf#134247) [Tünde Tóth] + FILEOPEN DOCX Image in table rendered on wrong page (tdf#134277) [Bakos Attila] + Can set Epsilon Level 4 on Coin MP Solver (tdf#134280) [Caolán McNamara] + Error Adding gallery images to Impress Presentation (tdf#134285) [Caolán McNamara] + Names of new hatch patterns in 7.0 not localizable (tdf#134291) [Julien Nabet] + Text Grid should accept floating point font-size for base text and ruby (tdf#134326) [Caolán McNamara] + SVG graphics in LO Draw lose fidelity when using SKIA (tdf#134346) [Luboš Luňák] + Sidebar: paragraph widget clipped on the right (and far wider than necessary) (tdf#134357) [Caolán McNamara] + Sidebar: paragraph widget: numeric fields become inactive/unaccessible after saving (GTK3) (tdf#134360) [Caolán McNamara] + Large GIF animation slow with Skia Vulkan/fine with Raster (tdf#134365) [Luboš Luňák] + UI “Data series in rows” in chart wizard became ineffective (tdf#134386) [Caolán McNamara] + Error with Row and Column fields in Calc's Navigator dialog at LO 7 (regression from (tdf#134390) [Caolán McNamara] + Deleting a page break with backspace deleted the image on the previous page (tdf#134404) [Michael Stahl] + UI: The field dialog has some odd with text positioning (tdf#134414) [Caolán McNamara] + Custom colours in Math (tdf#40436) [dante] + Long Password fails for file saving LibreOffice CALC file (tdf#43452) [Caolán McNamara] + Enhancement Request: Please add Laplace symbol (tdf#47914) [dante] + [XLS] FILEOPEN particular .XLS uses all chart data instead of first row for Legend (tdf#51671) [Gabor Kelemen] + RTL: Flipped toolbar button icons dont always look suitable (tdf#70102) [Rizal Muttaqin] + EDITING: "Show the legend without overlapping the chart" (tdf#75330) [Gabor Kelemen] + Outline Numbering for DOCX not working when new headings inserted in between (to reproduce, see comment 15/17/19) (tdf#76817) [László Németh] + FILEOPEN: NUMBERING: text paragraph indentation/tab stops in .DOCX displayed incorrectly with tab (tdf#83309) [Vasily Melenchuk] + LO Calc and MS Excel treat invalid OFFSET height and width parameters differently (tdf#85551) [Eike Rathke] + FILEOPEN: Document with huge autofilter takes long to open (tdf#97177) [Noel Grandin]