=============== RSYNC LOG =============== This is stage.opensuse.org, restricted rsync server of openSUSE.org. If you run a public mirror, please get in contact so we can give you access to the this rsync server. You'll find conditions for access and further information at http://en.opensuse.org/Mirror_Infrastructure Thanks! admin@opensuse.org Number of files: 2,443,977 (reg: 2,441,740, dir: 1,483, link: 754) Number of created files: 940 (reg: 940) Number of deleted files: 257 (reg: 257) Number of regular files transferred: 1,052 Total file size: 5,501,242,534,880 bytes Total transferred file size: 1,309,243,215 bytes Literal data: 1,290,307,107 bytes Matched data: 18,936,108 bytes File list size: 123,745,473 File list generation time: 21.278 seconds File list transfer time: 0.001 seconds Total bytes sent: 128,337 Total bytes received: 1,414,480,646 sent 128,337 bytes received 1,414,480,646 bytes 13,037,870.81 bytes/sec total size is 5,501,242,534,880 speedup is 3,888.88 =============== MORE LOG ================ opensuse started opensuse finished after 124 seconds