=============== RSYNC LOG =============== This is stage.opensuse.org, restricted rsync server of openSUSE.org. If you run a public mirror, please get in contact so we can give you access to the this rsync server. You'll find conditions for access and further information at http://en.opensuse.org/Mirror_Infrastructure Thanks! admin@opensuse.org file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/0540caa13214fc944aa23021e0202a2f9da64fc705c622141d40fcb0d900c033-deltainfo.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/2bd2edf789f375baf83b852bb708a1c419438d836465ba60c70838218f6d8580-updateinfo.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/a29f2f4d4ff3c7a84be72ddae4fb243a970ec1323ac0851ceb5bef4b0063661c-primary.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/d6399bf12cb739ad52c02ec747e87cabddad4a558f1d7c6f79572344165e3f0c-other.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/ffa92731f9e6cef22083070f55901d90cd04a75fd13738ca7537a9ab65ef130f-filelists.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) Number of files: 2,487,875 (reg: 2,485,640, dir: 1,495, link: 740) Number of created files: 4,290 (reg: 4,288, link: 2) Number of deleted files: 1,210 (reg: 1,208, link: 2) Number of regular files transferred: 4,563 Total file size: 5,555,962,731,832 bytes Total transferred file size: 52,549,819,961 bytes Literal data: 51,893,358,844 bytes Matched data: 656,461,117 bytes File list size: 126,949,812 File list generation time: 27.285 seconds File list transfer time: 0.001 seconds Total bytes sent: 669,237 Total bytes received: 52,033,490,672 sent 669,237 bytes received 52,033,490,672 bytes 38,586,696.26 bytes/sec total size is 5,555,962,731,832 speedup is 106.78 rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(1852) [generator=3.3.0] =============== MORE LOG ================ opensuse started opensuse finished after 1371 seconds