=============== RSYNC LOG =============== This is stage.opensuse.org, restricted rsync server of openSUSE.org. If you run a public mirror, please get in contact so we can give you access to the this rsync server. You'll find conditions for access and further information at http://en.opensuse.org/Mirror_Infrastructure Thanks! admin@opensuse.org file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/074858cd5b9df59f2d0f41943b1da7ef390965c78f69c1ce967d9068a42bd275-deltainfo.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/22de8fcf5f1ca5a4dae6525599e82fbbfcd2e3d202e2b444ebc36e615c1e5cff-filelists.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/3922578828d2f0af56a3d5f76aed1245956505848d0f7734520d500f1e5e5c65-other.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/a6a3c832a7b1fcf2db96a928cf12411fb7646f99910de3c2d39896d60974e45a-updateinfo.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) file has vanished: "/opensuse/update/leap/15.6/sle/repodata/bf9ad8e82cec189ceae995c73e0748aafe5c2db315cd13cde5324d4a1eee57ba-primary.xml.gz" (in opensuse-full-with-factory-dvd5) Number of files: 2,512,874 (reg: 2,510,638, dir: 1,495, link: 741) Number of created files: 1,682 (reg: 1,680, link: 2) Number of deleted files: 871 (reg: 869, link: 2) Number of regular files transferred: 1,963 Total file size: 5,682,938,731,664 bytes Total transferred file size: 46,370,947,555 bytes Literal data: 45,747,058,783 bytes Matched data: 623,888,772 bytes File list size: 128,327,237 File list generation time: 24.636 seconds File list transfer time: 0.002 seconds Total bytes sent: 614,554 Total bytes received: 45,886,954,066 sent 614,554 bytes received 45,886,954,066 bytes 32,788,544.92 bytes/sec total size is 5,682,938,731,664 speedup is 123.84 rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(1852) [generator=3.3.0] =============== MORE LOG ================ opensuse started opensuse finished after 1417 seconds