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Class orion.editor.Editor

An Editor is a user interface for editing text that provides additional features over the basic orion.textview.TextView. Some of Editor's features include:

Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201107200200/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.editor/web/orion/editor/editor.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new Editor with the given options.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
doFind(str, startIndex, ignoreCase, reverse)
Helper for finding occurrences of str in the editor contents.
doFindRegExp(pattern, flags, startIndex, reverse)
Helper for finding regex matches in the editor contents.
Returns the current contents of the editor.
Returns the underlying TextView used by this editor.
Creates the underlying TextView and installs the editor's features.
Returns true if the editor is dirty; false otherwise.
Called when the dirty state of the editor is changing.
onGotoLine(line, column, end)
Reveals a line in the editor, and optionally selects a portion of the line.
onInputChange(title, message, contents, contentsSaved)
Called when the editor's contents have changed.
showSelection(start, end, line, offset, length)
Reveals and selects a portion of text.
Class Detail
Creates a new Editor with the given options.
{Object} options
Options controlling the features of this Editor.
{Object} options.annotationFactory
{Object} options.contentAssistFactory
{Object} options.domNode
{Object} options.keyBindingFactory
{Object} options.lineNumberRulerFactory
{Object} options.statusReporter
{Object} options.syntaxHighlightProviders
{Object} options.textViewFactory
{Object} options.undoStackFactory
Method Detail
{Object} doFind(str, startIndex, ignoreCase, reverse)
Helper for finding occurrences of str in the editor contents.
{String} str
{Number} startIndex
{Boolean} ignoreCase Optional
Default is false.
{Boolean} reverse Optional
Default is false.
{Object} An object giving the match details, or null if no match found. The returned object will have the properties:
{Number} index
{Number} length

{Object} doFindRegExp(pattern, flags, startIndex, reverse)
Helper for finding regex matches in the editor contents. Use #doFind for simple string searches.
{String} pattern
A valid regexp pattern.
{String} flags
Valid regexp flags: [is]
{Number} startIndex Optional
Default is false.
{Boolean} reverse Optional
Default is false.
{Object} An object giving the match details, or null if no match found. The returned object will have the properties:
{Number} index
{Number} length

{Object} getAnnotationsRuler()

{String} getContents()
Returns the current contents of the editor.

Returns the underlying TextView used by this editor.

Creates the underlying TextView and installs the editor's features.

{Boolean} isDirty()
Returns true if the editor is dirty; false otherwise.

Called when the dirty state of the editor is changing.
{Boolean} isDirty

onGotoLine(line, column, end)
Reveals a line in the editor, and optionally selects a portion of the line.
{Number} line
{Number|String} column
{Number} end Optional

onInputChange(title, message, contents, contentsSaved)
Called when the editor's contents have changed.
{String} title
{String} message
{String} contents
{Boolean} contentsSaved

showSelection(start, end, line, offset, length)
Reveals and selects a portion of text.
{Number} start
{Number} end
{Number} line
{Number} offset
{Number} length

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Jul 20 2011 02:04:43 GMT-0400 (EDT)