
gweled: Swapping gem game.

Name:gweled Vendor:
Version:0.6 License:GPL
Release:1 URL:
Gweled is a Gnome version of a popular PalmOS/Windows/Java game called "Bejeweled" or "Diamond Mine". The aim of the game is to make alignment of 3 or more gems, both vertically or horizontally by swapping adjacent gems. The game ends when there are no possible moves left.

Arch: src

Build Date:Mon Jul 11 01:26:27 2005
Size:168 KiB


* Tue Aug 31 17:00:00 2004 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora[AT]> - 0:0.6-1
- Update to 0.6
- Remove highscore workaround
- Add Makefile patch
- Don't overwrite highscores during update
* Tue Aug 31 17:00:00 2004 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora[AT]> - 0:0.5-0.fdr.1
- Update to 0.5
- Add highscorce workaround
* Thu Jan 15 16:00:00 2004 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora[AT]> - 0:0.4-0.fdr.2
- Own dirs correctly
- BuildRequires desktop-file-utils

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc5