
icecast: ShoutCast compatible streaming media server

Name:icecast Vendor:
Version:2.3.1 License:GPL
Release:1.al2 URL:
Icecast is a streaming media server which currently supports Ogg Vorbis and MP3 audio streams. It can be used to create an Internet radio station or a privately running jukebox and many things in between. It is very versatile in that new formats can be added relatively easily and supports open standards for commuincation and interaction.

Arch: src

Build Date:Mon Feb 20 07:31:42 2006
Size:1.06 MiB


* Fri Feb 3 16:00:00 2006 Andreas Thienemann <andreas{%}bawue{*}net> 2.3.1-1
- Updated to icecast 2.3.1-1
* Wed Aug 3 17:00:00 2005 Andreas Thienemann <andreas{%}bawue{*}net> 2.2.0-1
- Initial specfile

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