System Environment/Base

intuitively: Automatic IP detection utility

Name:intuitively Vendor:
Version:0.7 License:GPL
Release:6.al2 URL:
"intuitively" is an utility to locate current network address via arp requests and perform heavy reconfigurations based on its findings. "intuitively" is intended for laptop users or people who use their machines in different networks all the time. It is meant to be run from the PCMCIA network initialization scripts or the command line.

Arch: src

Build Date:Sun Dec 4 07:38:50 2005
Size:128 KiB


* Mon Nov 28 16:00:00 2005 Patrice Dumas <dumas{%}centre-cired{*}fr> 0.7-6
- all changes are from Dmitry Butskoy
- use a sed one-liner instead of Patch1
- use intuitively and some wildcards for %files
- properly recreate man pages
- pass sysconfdir to make instead of patching
* Mon Aug 15 17:00:00 2005 Patrice Dumas <dumas{%}centre-cired{*}fr> 0.7-4
- Buildrequires flex, libnet-devel
- (noreplace) for config
- replace /usr/share by /opt in example config file
- no make clean, use smp_mflags
* Mon Aug 15 17:00:00 2005 Patrice Dumas <dumas{%}centre-cired{*}fr> 0.7-3
- use the right url

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