
qucs: Circuit simulator

Name:qucs Vendor:
Version:0.0.9 License:GPL
Release:4.al2 URL:
Qucs is a circuit simulator with graphical user interface. The software aims to support all kinds of circuit simulation types, e.g. DC, AC, S-parameter and harmonic balance analysis.

Arch: src

Build Date:Sun Jun 18 19:16:14 2006
Size:2.29 MiB


* Sat Jun 10 17:00:00 2006 Eric Tanguy <eric{*}tanguy{%}univ-nantes{*}fr> - 0.0.9-4
- Solve typo problem in changelog
* Sat Jun 10 17:00:00 2006 Eric Tanguy <eric{*}tanguy{%}univ-nantes{*}fr> - 0.0.9-3
- Delete /usr/bin/qucsdigi.bat which is a windows bat file and useless under linux
- add --disable-dependency-tracking to %configure
- add --enable-debug to %configure to make debuginfo package usefull
* Thu Jun 1 17:00:00 2006 Eric Tanguy <eric{*}tanguy{%}univ-nantes{*}fr> - 0.0.9-2
- Delete ${RPM_OPT_FLAGS} modification using -ffriend-injection for "%{?fedora}" > "4"

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc5