
scponly: Restricted shell for ssh based file services

Name:scponly Vendor:
Version:4.6 License:BSD
Release:3.al2 URL:
scponly is an alternative 'shell' for system administrators who would like to provide access to remote users to both read and write local files without providing any remote execution priviledges. Functionally, it is best described as a wrapper to the "tried and true" ssh suite of applications.

Arch: src

Build Date:Sat May 13 03:53:20 2006
Size:97 KiB


* Sun Mar 19 16:00:00 2006 Warren Togami <wtogami{%}redhat{*}com> - 4.6-3
- --enable-winscp-compat seems necessary
- --enable-rsync-compat seems useful too
* Fri Feb 17 16:00:00 2006 Warren Togami <wtogami{%}redhat{*}com> - 4.6-1
- 4.6
- --enable-scp-compat so scp works
  upstream seems broken and no longer enables by default
  WinSCP 2.0 compatibilty is not enabled in this build
* Mon Jan 2 16:00:00 2006 Warren Togami <wtogami{%}redhat{*}com> - 4.3-1
- security fixes
- Gentoo's patch for optreset which is not supplied by glibc

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