The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog! -- Calvin
primary server load:8.51 7.78 7.70
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:20861 (IPv6 2191)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 1446.11 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

63019.17 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.34 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
33.25 TB transmitted yesterday
600.49 GB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2025-02-12

<2025-02-11 | overall |



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 53.0541 % 16.07 TB
11.79 TB3409162 9.1676 % 2.78 TB
39.78 KB154821
opensuse 8.6441 % 2.62 TB
1.52 TB914512
ubuntu 6.0726 % 1.84 TB
184.48 GB1362788
epel 5.7672 % 1.75 TB
1.12 TB239901
centos-stream 2.9752 % 922.81 GB
445.51 GB198605
tdf 2.7444 % 851.22 GB
15.53 MB243055
debian 1.7509 % 543.07 GB
135.25 GB935246
mapsforge 1.7271 % 535.68 GB
42.53 GB13037
rocky 1.3651 % 423.40 GB
2.16 GB693663
scientific 1.2926 % 400.91 GB
0.00 Bytes201906
almalinux 0.9099 % 282.23 GB
39.22 GB246215 0.5688 % 176.43 GB
0.00 Bytes78645
undef 0.4804 % 148.99 GB
16.25 KB611780
gentoo 0.4150 % 128.73 GB
78.44 GB118260
pcbsd 0.2914 % 90.38 GB
0.00 Bytes27405
kde 0.2456 % 76.16 GB
9.26 MB7042
archlinux 0.2443 % 75.76 GB
44.27 GB10771 0.2293 % 71.11 GB
18.38 GB287783
postgresql 0.2050 % 63.59 GB
0.00 Bytes59778
Mageia 0.1817 % 56.36 GB
24.72 GB17456
gnu 0.1598 % 49.57 GB
2.10 MB26347
parrotsec 0.1500 % 46.52 GB
0.00 Bytes72109 0.1481 % 45.92 GB
2.09 GB60301
alpine 0.1423 % 44.15 GB
0.00 Bytes47946
fedora-secondary 0.1293 % 40.09 GB
0.00 Bytes15886
fuduntu 0.1104 % 34.23 GB
0.00 Bytes23506
gnome 0.1008 % 31.26 GB
256.40 MB31633
mariadb 0.0958 % 29.71 GB
0.00 Bytes131845
openmandriva 0.0840 % 26.04 GB
2.52 GB15707
eclipse 0.0831 % 25.77 GB
0.00 Bytes97356
mozilla 0.0783 % 24.28 GB
0.00 Bytes3985
atrpms 0.0585 % 18.16 GB
370.47 KB38415
repoforge 0.0546 % 16.92 GB
676.29 MB112915
CPAN 0.0513 % 15.91 GB
813.00 MB1511608
raspbian 0.0494 % 15.32 GB
3.19 GB29868 0.0387 % 12.00 GB
334.94 MB155819
FreeBSD 0.0335 % 10.39 GB
2.90 GB1451
dag 0.0147 % 4.56 GB
336.72 MB27891
xfree86 0.0143 % 4.45 GB
33.78 MB11700
redhat 0.0073 % 2.26 GB
5.89 MB5913
openvz 0.0068 % 2.12 GB
0.00 Bytes4419 0.0067 % 2.09 GB
648.46 MB16716
mandriva 0.0057 % 1.77 GB
0.00 Bytes5154
apache 0.0055 % 1.70 GB
0.00 Bytes3999
suse 0.0048 % 1.49 GB
0.00 Bytes1550
openoffice 0.0048 % 1.48 GB
285.31 KB668 0.0045 % 1.41 GB
3.47 MB8951
redhat archive 0.0041 % 1.29 GB
5.75 MB56535
gnupg 0.0033 % 1.01 GB
0.00 Bytes108697
ximian 0.0032 % 1001.33 MB
0.00 Bytes1797 0.0028 % 904.60 MB
904.60 MB2
tanglu 0.0021 % 681.93 MB
0.00 Bytes4671
eldk 0.0016 % 521.12 MB
0.00 Bytes910
debian-multimedia 0.0012 % 372.00 MB
0.00 Bytes3608
gimp 0.0009 % 289.37 MB
0.00 Bytes1289
wikipedia 0.0008 % 262.57 MB
0.00 Bytes36
aurox 0.0008 % 256.27 MB
0.00 Bytes5214
impi 0.0008 % 255.35 MB
0.00 Bytes245
info 0.0007 % 214.99 MB
0.00 Bytes46623
rootlinux 0.0007 % 207.94 MB
0.00 Bytes5707
auroralinux 0.0005 % 165.59 MB
213.35 KB7029
CCC 0.0005 % 161.68 MB
0.00 Bytes431
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0005 % 151.36 MB
0.00 Bytes33266 0.0001 % 31.35 MB
0.00 Bytes754
turnkeylinux 0.0001 % 24.54 MB
0.00 Bytes3625
centos 0.0000 % 11.94 MB
406.60 KB1720 0.0000 % 5.65 MB
0.00 Bytes594
netscape 0.0000 % 5.07 MB
0.00 Bytes531
ietf 0.0000 % 4.66 MB
666.84 KB129
phprojekt 0.0000 % 2.36 MB
0.00 Bytes13
tuxmas 0.0000 % 1.93 MB
0.00 Bytes11
polippix 0.0000 % 1.83 MB
0.00 Bytes9
livna 0.0000 % 1.42 MB
1.05 MB169
debian-backports 0.0000 % 1.42 MB
36.51 KB670
centos-altarch 0.0000 % 1.03 MB
589.00 Bytes315
limux 0.0000 % 640.20 KB
0.00 Bytes25
openssl 0.0000 % 581.46 KB
0.00 Bytes150
OpenBSD 0.0000 % 530.08 KB
165.00 Bytes461 0.0000 % 153.87 KB
0.00 Bytes234
knoppix 0.0000 % 147.10 KB
0.00 Bytes221
proftpd 0.0000 % 61.23 KB
0.00 Bytes23
percomp 0.0000 % 46.97 KB
0.00 Bytes13
nimblex 0.0000 % 42.59 KB
0.00 Bytes13
selfhtml 0.0000 % 10.59 KB
0.00 Bytes7
RSYNC15.37 TB15.37 TB32527
FTP36.65 GB36.65 GB7233
HTTP14.89 TB0.00 Bytes12541476
Total30.29 TB15.40 TB12581236

Client Distribution Map 2025-02-12
RSYNC Distribution Map 2025-02-12

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Page creation time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:04:32 GMT