It takes an uncommon mind to think of these things. --- Calvin
primary server load:10.88 11.39 10.72
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:6144 (IPv6 1412)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 1781.83 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

58072.44 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 9.87 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
21.71 TB transmitted yesterday
1.57 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2017-08-25

<2017-08-24 | overall | 2017-08-26>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 29.8310 % 1.70 TB
2.09 TB1402219
opensuse 11.6834 % 682.84 GB
1.95 TB2028972
eclipse 11.3370 % 662.59 GB
791.33 GB653579
centos 9.7516 % 569.93 GB
663.58 GB241653
ubuntu 8.4982 % 496.68 GB
601.94 GB329588
epel 5.6385 % 329.54 GB
331.14 GB146250 4.9993 % 292.18 GB
529.47 GB21610 2.8599 % 167.15 GB
167.14 GB26531
mapsforge 2.3181 % 135.48 GB
1.26 TB3851
fedora-secondary 2.2353 % 130.64 GB
724.10 GB30604
debian 1.9207 % 112.26 GB
203.00 GB111100
tdf 1.9069 % 111.45 GB
159.15 GB4559
gentoo 1.8623 % 108.84 GB
830.88 GB13703
Mageia 0.9390 % 54.88 GB
92.95 GB28851
archlinux 0.6714 % 39.24 GB
42.91 GB15421 0.6062 % 35.43 GB
57.64 GB30075
scientific 0.4973 % 29.06 GB
32.26 GB15529
parrotsec 0.4353 % 25.44 GB
229.61 GB6903
undef 0.4312 % 25.20 GB
48.01 GB9400 0.4217 % 24.64 GB
25.37 GB107218
dag 0.1750 % 10.23 GB
10.41 GB14462
kde 0.1475 % 8.62 GB
14.29 GB2407
repoforge 0.1468 % 8.58 GB
8.65 GB192543
openmandriva 0.1436 % 8.39 GB
13.70 GB5486
apache 0.1040 % 6.08 GB
8.13 GB819
tanglu 0.0957 % 5.59 GB
30.37 GB407
mariadb 0.0747 % 4.36 GB
4.36 GB36364
OpenBSD 0.0471 % 2.75 GB
6.54 GB1678 0.0303 % 1.77 GB
2.36 GB62
gnome 0.0293 % 1.71 GB
2.91 GB5163
redhat 0.0280 % 1.64 GB
1.72 GB171
alpine 0.0275 % 1.61 GB
3.17 GB3551
pcbsd 0.0192 % 1.12 GB
4.66 GB380
gnu 0.0178 % 1.04 GB
1.41 GB1405
openoffice 0.0116 % 693.59 MB
3.28 GB860
CPAN 0.0108 % 647.22 MB
760.29 MB1771
openvz 0.0104 % 621.76 MB
715.97 MB673
atrpms 0.0083 % 495.51 MB
4.86 GB4396
redhat archive 0.0066 % 392.32 MB
2.58 GB2071
debian-multimedia 0.0065 % 386.39 MB
403.54 MB1430 0.0041 % 244.04 MB
244.04 MB20
gimp 0.0020 % 116.77 MB
121.14 MB62
mandriva 0.0016 % 95.90 MB
1.95 GB490
xfree86 0.0015 % 87.69 MB
108.19 MB252
postgresql 0.0011 % 67.34 MB
298.03 MB697
centos-altarch 0.0007 % 42.58 MB
65.02 MB72
openssl 0.0005 % 32.06 MB
52.41 MB32
FreeBSD 0.0004 % 26.03 MB
854.45 MB95
info 0.0004 % 25.81 MB
17.26 MB3332
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0004 % 24.47 MB
23.01 MB7363
mozilla 0.0003 % 18.17 MB
290.05 MB43
suse 0.0002 % 12.66 MB
4.36 GB56 0.0002 % 11.58 MB
31.12 MB272 0.0002 % 11.40 MB
11.39 MB46
tuxmas 0.0002 % 10.64 MB
8.17 GB10
turnkeylinux 0.0002 % 10.26 MB
10.19 MB351
livna 0.0002 % 9.45 MB
8.68 MB2686
rpm 0.0002 % 9.23 MB
11.71 MB18
eldk 0.0001 % 7.66 MB
2.56 GB64
ximian 0.0001 % 6.72 MB
7.19 MB161
netscape 0.0001 % 6.22 MB
34.06 MB42 0.0001 % 5.51 MB
5.51 MB9
auroralinux 0.0001 % 5.40 MB
5.40 MB103
gnupg 0.0001 % 3.17 MB
3.34 MB59
knoppix 0.0001 % 3.14 MB
3.59 MB122
rootlinux 0.0000 % 2.67 MB
2.47 MB140 0.0000 % 571.06 KB
3.85 GB16
superrepo 0.0000 % 536.45 KB
174.68 KB414
CCC 0.0000 % 514.91 KB
471.94 KB46
debian-backports 0.0000 % 451.53 KB
485.62 KB46
fuduntu 0.0000 % 58.80 KB
54.21 KB25
wikipedia 0.0000 % 52.58 KB
39.47 KB20
percomp 0.0000 % 38.40 KB
36.20 KB13
nimblex 0.0000 % 25.75 KB
24.20 KB10
impi 0.0000 % 25.15 KB
13.69 KB10
polippix 0.0000 % 18.71 KB
16.78 KB12
proftpd 0.0000 % 17.70 KB
14.75 KB16
phprojekt 0.0000 % 14.80 KB
13.56 KB8
selfhtml 0.0000 % 12.36 KB
11.10 KB8
ietf 0.0000 % 11.97 KB
5.72 KB6 0.0000 % 9.19 KB
9.19 KB2
RSYNC1.18 TB1.18 TB7819
FTP82.49 GB82.49 GB47100
HTTP4.44 TB9.50 TB5466045
Total5.71 TB10.76 TB5520964

Client Distribution Map 2017-08-25
RSYNC Distribution Map 2017-08-25

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