Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. -- Calvin
primary server load:16.31 15.97 13.30
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:6208 (IPv6 986)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 442.98 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

59758.54 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.03 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
27.00 TB transmitted yesterday
2.55 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2021-01-22

<2021-01-21 | overall | 2021-01-23>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 41.0057 % 6.39 TB
3.95 TB1297512 11.9214 % 1.86 TB
243.77 KB247814
ubuntu 9.2826 % 1.45 TB
102.17 GB889948
epel 8.5429 % 1.33 TB
123.39 GB1093409
opensuse 8.0332 % 1.25 TB
653.95 GB3364803
tdf 4.8716 % 777.15 GB
21.97 MB6154
centos 3.7175 % 593.04 GB
325.36 GB832564
eclipse 2.6325 % 419.95 GB
71.98 MB571312
mapsforge 1.9170 % 305.81 GB
0.00 Bytes6396
parrotsec 1.7500 % 279.17 GB
0.00 Bytes136767
gentoo 0.8815 % 140.63 GB
101.89 GB41968
debian 0.7432 % 118.56 GB
76.76 GB158995
raspbian 0.5964 % 95.14 GB
4.31 GB111109
centos-altarch 0.5389 % 85.97 GB
8.09 GB23742
Mageia 0.4683 % 74.70 GB
9.46 GB17967
CCC 0.4648 % 74.14 GB
0.00 Bytes295
archlinux 0.4205 % 67.08 GB
10.29 GB15132 0.3639 % 58.05 GB
19.33 GB201734
kde 0.3439 % 54.86 GB
614.60 MB2779
undef 0.3369 % 53.74 GB
77.20 KB197350
openmandriva 0.1611 % 25.71 GB
24.92 GB1383
gnome 0.1562 % 24.92 GB
378.90 MB22515
apache 0.1290 % 20.58 GB
2.09 GB2654 0.1223 % 19.51 GB
25.36 GB48783
gnu 0.1111 % 17.72 GB
1.32 MB4118
OpenBSD 0.0577 % 9.21 GB
3.88 GB2254
repoforge 0.0574 % 9.16 GB
2.87 GB181155 0.0557 % 8.88 GB
230.67 MB192705
alpine 0.0489 % 7.80 GB
0.00 Bytes7913
CPAN 0.0461 % 7.35 GB
7.20 GB9684
fedora-secondary 0.0413 % 6.59 GB
0.00 Bytes2962
mariadb 0.0340 % 5.42 GB
5.39 GB164726
aurox 0.0255 % 4.06 GB
0.00 Bytes450
openoffice 0.0240 % 3.83 GB
7.91 MB1321
dag 0.0238 % 3.80 GB
303.23 MB78520 0.0183 % 2.92 GB
2.92 GB99
fuduntu 0.0112 % 1.79 GB
0.00 Bytes115
FreeBSD 0.0084 % 1.34 GB
1.03 GB443
knoppix 0.0050 % 817.74 MB
817.78 MB173 0.0046 % 755.71 MB
755.71 MB2
scientific 0.0044 % 718.51 MB
593.32 MB48516
atrpms 0.0043 % 704.59 MB
20.93 MB18987
nimblex 0.0034 % 560.72 MB
0.00 Bytes9
openvz 0.0023 % 370.75 MB
36.34 KB2006 0.0016 % 262.82 MB
262.82 MB10
pcbsd 0.0016 % 262.66 MB
0.00 Bytes762
debian-multimedia 0.0010 % 165.44 MB
0.00 Bytes3977
postgresql 0.0009 % 151.21 MB
0.00 Bytes1582
mandriva 0.0008 % 136.44 MB
3.95 KB1138
redhat archive 0.0008 % 134.05 MB
2.36 MB5590 0.0008 % 132.23 MB
234.04 MB384
gnupg 0.0007 % 112.08 MB
0.00 Bytes278 0.0004 % 68.72 MB
68.72 MB10
info 0.0003 % 56.50 MB
398.05 KB6681
mozilla 0.0003 % 52.21 MB
0.00 Bytes777
wikipedia 0.0002 % 40.06 MB
0.00 Bytes17
auroralinux 0.0002 % 36.93 MB
30.26 KB2766
suse 0.0002 % 29.92 MB
0.00 Bytes179
OpenHPC 0.0002 % 26.52 MB
0.00 Bytes436
xfree86 0.0001 % 19.73 MB
2.98 MB638
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0001 % 16.01 MB
0.00 Bytes2769 0.0001 % 13.62 MB
3.37 MB408 0.0001 % 12.96 MB
0.00 Bytes44
tanglu 0.0001 % 12.75 MB
0.00 Bytes391
ximian 0.0001 % 12.05 MB
0.00 Bytes644
gimp 0.0001 % 10.48 MB
0.00 Bytes297
ietf 0.0001 % 10.25 MB
21.77 KB154
rootlinux 0.0001 % 8.85 MB
0.00 Bytes765 0.0001 % 8.71 MB
8.71 MB13
redhat 0.0001 % 8.70 MB
5.47 MB804
eldk 0.0000 % 7.60 MB
0.00 Bytes168
proftpd 0.0000 % 4.79 MB
0.00 Bytes31
turnkeylinux 0.0000 % 4.50 MB
0.00 Bytes526
livna 0.0000 % 3.54 MB
1.04 MB1365
debian-backports 0.0000 % 3.38 MB
15.80 KB40 0.0000 % 1.94 MB
149.00 Bytes174
netscape 0.0000 % 585.91 KB
0.00 Bytes156
openssl 0.0000 % 227.82 KB
0.00 Bytes26
percomp 0.0000 % 158.25 KB
0.00 Bytes41
phprojekt 0.0000 % 17.97 KB
0.00 Bytes14
polippix 0.0000 % 15.00 KB
0.00 Bytes6
selfhtml 0.0000 % 10.62 KB
0.00 Bytes3
impi 0.0000 % 10.53 KB
0.00 Bytes3
tuxmas 0.0000 % 3.08 KB
0.00 Bytes3
baidu 0.0000 % 650.00 Bytes
346.00 Bytes2 0.0000 % 325.00 Bytes
173.00 Bytes1
f 0.0000 % 325.00 Bytes
400.00 Bytes1
RSYNC4.91 TB4.91 TB15169
FTP36.60 GB36.60 GB47996
HTTP10.63 TB454.66 GB9980152
Total15.58 TB5.39 TB10043317

Client Distribution Map 2021-01-22
RSYNC Distribution Map 2021-01-22

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