Susie: You'd get a good grade without doing any work.
Calvin: So?
Susie: It's wrong to get rewards you haven't earned.
Calvin: I've never heard of anyone who couldn't live with that.
| primary server load: | 4.85 4.35 4.09 | secondary server load: | | primary server http connections: | 7416 (IPv6 1306) | secondary server http connections: | |
Current bandwidth utilization 1524.66 Mbit/s
(primary server)
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s
(secondary server)
60151.65 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.07 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
22.71 TB transmitted yesterday
5.74 TB transmitted today
Average mirror size during the last years | 2009 5.10 GB | |
2010 4.30 GB | |
2011 2.30 GB | |
2012 1.23 GB | |
2013 782.30 MB | |
2014 712.91 MB | |
2015 580.38 MB | |
2016 752.61 MB | |
2017 667.69 MB | |
2018 746.43 MB | |
| Average numer of files during the last years | 2009 329 | |
2010 232 | |
2011 112 | |
2012 62 | |
2013 38 | |
2014 20 | |
2015 6 | |
2016 8 | |
2017 7 | |
2018 9 | |
Copyright © 2002, 2019 Adrian Reber
Last modified: January 12 2022 14:47:34.
Page creation time:
Tue, 15 Oct 2024 05:36:33 GMT